Section: Dissemination


  • Nathalie Revol gave talks for pupils at collèges and lycées, as an incentive to choose scientific careers: lycée Jeanne d'Arc (Cessy, Ain), lycée Rosa Parks (Neuville, Rhône). During the “Week of mathematics”, she gave a 2-hour talk at lycée de la Plaine de l'Ain (Ambérieu-en-Bugey, Ain). She was present, took part in speed-meetings, and gave talks for the “Mondial des Métiers” (Eurexpo Lyon, Chassieu, Rhône) and for “Science au Carré(e)” (Forum des Halles, Paris). For the Science Fair, she gave 8 talks at ENS de Lyon. She was invited to “Interacadémiques” in Lyon, for an audience of inspecteurs d'académie. She supervised the internship of Quentin Chopinet (1e S, one week) and hosted Elsa Courtais (spé TSI, one day).

  • Damien Stehlé was interviewed for an article in La Recherche, published in September 2013.